NEWS TO REPORT - Life has Changed

Since my last post:

1. My mother, Ruth Claire Berry passed away (Feb 28, 1933 - April 2, 2017)

2. I lost my job.

3. I got a new job.

4. My daughter moved out and we are now officially empty nesters

5. I became a Grandmother - My son and his wife gave birth to a beautiful, healthy little girl.

To me, change is an occurance in my life that has forced me to stop, reflect and listen to my inner voice. 

It's also a catelist to renewed creativity. It can be amazing, life altering, difficult, challenging, surprising, scarey and tramatic. You may need time to recover from it! One thing is for certain... what ever has happened, whether by your own decision or some force outside of your control, it will pass!  As my Mother use to say " Time stops for no one... it marches on". 

The best kind of change can be something you choose.  For example I've decided I'm going to lose weight and from this decision I hope to reap the many benefits - like better health, more energy, and look better.

Sometimes when we are forced to change by a decision someone else makes - even if you know it's the absolute best for you - it hurts your heart and makes you feel sad.  I left my job in May and although it has worked out fabulously it was an incredibly stressfull time.  My new and amazing day job is wonderful! I love the place and the people and know I'm exactly where I need to be. I trust in the universe that this is my path. I know that once things calm down... I'll have the time and space to begin creating again. I haven't been in my studio for several weeks and I feel the NEED to create filtering through me.  I believe I'm about to enter into a highly creative time in my life. 

The trick is to carve some time into my day to open up the door to create.  This blog is my way to measure that creative force within me and if I'm truly listening and making time.

My next post will be about "the plan". Stay Tuned!!!